
Contamos con un equipo de investigadores, con grado de doctor, de excelencia que, sumado a las capacidades tecnol贸gicas de vanguardia, nos permite crear conocimiento cient铆fico aplicado para dar soluci贸n a las problem谩ticas de la agroindustria.
CREAS apoya al emprendimiento y aumento en la competitividad de la industria regional mediante la formulaci贸n y gesti贸n de proyectos de I+D y transferencia tecnol贸gica.

Junto con su actividad y su alineaci贸n estrat茅gica con las pol铆ticas p煤blicas regionales y del pa铆s, busca fomentar la inversi贸n p煤blica-privada en I+D+i y los programas en beneficio del consumo de alimentos saludables.

El objetivo de su trabajo es entregar al sector productivo soluciones tecnol贸gicas que, basadas en el desarrollo de ciencia y tecnolog铆a de excelencia, le permitan aumentar su productividad y competitividad en la industria regional, respondiendo de manera din谩mica, flexible y oportuna, dentro de sus 谩mbitos de competencia. Lo anterior es realizado en torno a las cuatro l铆neas de trabajo actuales de CREAS:

L铆nea 1

Desarrollo de nuevos y/o mejorados productos, procesos y tecnolog铆a para el crecimiento competitivo de la agroindustria alimentaria mediante mecanismos de innovaci贸n aplicada.

L铆nea 2

Desarrollo de tecnolog铆as y/o protocolos para el fortalecimiento de la vida 煤til de alimentos envasados.

L铆nea 3

Desarrollo de tecnolog铆as sustentables aplicadas a la obtenci贸n de compuestos y productos de alto valor agregado a partir de productos forestales no madereros y de los descartes y desechos de la agroindustria alimentaria.

L铆nea 4

Como resultado de las l铆neas de investigaci贸n previas destacamos la Transferencia tecnol贸gica de conocimientos generados al sector productivo (L铆nea de Gesti贸n y Servicios).

Vinculaci贸n Nacional

CREAS mantiene vinculaci贸n con las distintas instituciones desarrolladoras de I+D+i del pa铆s. Entre los convenios marco de colaboraci贸n con entidades nacionales que potencian el objetivo de su trabajo, se mencionan algunos como:

A su vez, ha desarrollado diversos proyectos de I+D aplicada junto a m谩s de 100 empresas del sector productivo y de vinculaci贸n mediante misiones de prospecci贸n comercial.

Vinculaci贸n Internacional

En el 谩mbito internacional, el CREAS desde sus inicios se ha planteado el objetivo de definir y desarrollar un plan estrat茅gico de colaboraci贸n internacional, que le permita mantenerse en la frontera del conocimiento y a su vez acceder a las capacidades de infraestructura y tecnol贸gica de manera r谩pida y efectiva. Es por ello que en muchos proyectos ejecutados con CREAS hemos mantenido redes de colaboraci贸n con instituciones extranjeras de gran trayectoria en el desarrollo de I+D en el 谩rea de Ciencia e Ingenier铆a de Alimentos, como:

Publicaciones Cient铆ficas

Publicaciones del grupo de investigaci贸n en los 煤ltimos 5 a帽os en revistas indizadas.

The effect of enzymatically treated ripe banana flour on the sensory quality and glycemic response of banana-wheat flour composite muffins

Journal of Food Science and Technology


Carmen Soto, Jacqueline Concha y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga

In vitro Notch-mediated adjuvant immunogenic potency is induced by combining QS-21 and MPL in a co-culture model of PBMC and HUVEC cells

Toxicology in Vitro, 68, 104947.


Carolina Campos, B. Riquelme, Mauricio Vergara, Claudia Altamirano, Mar铆a Fernanda Cavieres.

Crystallisation and glass transition behaviour of Chilean raisins in relation to their sugar compositions

Food Chemistry, 311, 125929.


Tuyen Truong, Deepa Dahal, Paulina Urrutia, Lorena Alvarez, Sergio Almonacid y Bhesh Bhandari.

Novel quinoa-enriched biscuits improve CVD risk markers in older adults: a randomised crossover trial with a novel food product

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2018), 77 (OCE3), E111.


L.K. Pourshahidi, E. Caballero, A. Osses, B.W. Hyland, N.G. Ternan y C.I.R. Gill.

Valorization of Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Agro-Industrial Discards, Obtaining an Extract with a Selective Effect on Viability of Cancer Cell Lines

Processes 2020, 8(6), 715


Diana Noriega, Carmen Soto, Cristian Torres, Lorenzo Pastrana, Caroline Weinstein y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga.

Modest improvement in CVD risk markers in older adults following quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) consumption: a randomized-controlled crossover study with a novel food product

European Journal of Nutrition (2020)


L. Kirsty Pourshahidi, Eduardo Caballero, Alejandro Osses, Barry W. Hyland, Nigel G. Ternan y Chris I. R. Gill.

Recent advances and perspectives of ultrasound assisted membrane food processing

Food Research International, 133, 109163.


Andr茅s C贸rdova, Carolina Astudillo, Ren茅 Ruby,Pedro Valencia y Carmen Soto.

Engineering a defined culture medium to grow Piscirickettsia salmonis for its use in vaccine formulations

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 47, 299鈥309


Pablo Fuentealba, Yesenia Latorre, Ernesto Gonz谩lez, Irene Mart铆nez, Carmen Soto y Claudia Altamirano.

Effect of particle size on in vitro intestinal digestion of emulsion-filled gels: Mathematical analysis based on the Gallagher鈥揅orrigan model

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 120, 33-40.


Claudia Gonz谩lez, Ricardo Simpson, Oscar Vega, Valeria del Campo, Marlene Pinto, Lida Fuentesc, Helena Nu帽ez, Ashley K.Young y Cristian Ram铆rez.

Assessment and outlook of variable retort temperature profiles for the thermal processing of packaged foods: Plant productivity, product quality, and energy consumption

Journal of Food Engineering, 275, 109839.


Ricardo Simpson, Diego Jim茅nez, Sergio Almonacid, Helena Nu帽ez, Marlene Pinto, Cristian Ram铆rez, Oscar Vega, Lida Fuentes y Alejandro Angulo.

Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts of Two Native Fruits of Chile: Arrayan (Luma apiculata) and Peumo (Cryptocarya alba)

Antibiotics 2020, 9(8), 444.


Jitka Viktorov谩, Rohitesh Kumar, Katerina Rehorov谩, Lan Hoang, Tomas Ruml, Carlos R. Figueroa, M贸nika Valdenegro y Lida Fuentes.

Effect of Refractance Window on dehydration of osmotically pretreated apple slices: Color and texture evaluation

Journal of Food Processing Engineering, 43(2), e13304.


Yossebann Hern谩ndez, Cristian Ram铆rez, Jorge Moreno, Helena N煤帽ez, Oscar Vega, Sergio Almonacid, Marlene Pinto, Lida Fuentes yRicardo Simpson.

Methyl Jasmonate Applications From Flowering to Ripe Fruit Stages of Strawberry (Fragariaananassa 鈥楥amarosa鈥) Reinforce the Fruit Antioxidant Response at Post-harvest

Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 538.


Paz E. Zu帽iga, Yasna Casta帽eda, Oscar Arrey-Salas, Lida Fuentes, Felipe Aburto y Carlos R. Figueroa.

Design of combined crosslinked enzyme aggregates (combi-CLEAs) of 尾-galactosidase and glucose isomerase for the one-pot production of fructose syrup from lactose

Food Chemistry, 288, 102-107.


Erick Araya, Paulina Urrutia, Oscar Romero, Andr茅s Illanes, Lorena Wilson.

Polyphenolic extracts of walnut (Juglans regia) green husk containing juglone inhibit the growth of HL-60 cells and induce apoptosis

Electric Journal of Biotechnology, 39, 1-7.


Carmen Soto, Mauricio Vergara, John Jara, Eduardo Caballero, Andrea M眉ller, Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga y Claudia Altamirano.

Patagonian Berries: Healthy Potential and the Path to Becoming Functional Foods

In Foods, 8(8), 289.


Lida Fuentes, Carlos R. Figueroa, M贸nica Valdenegro y Ra煤l Vinet.

Biochemical and functional changes in pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum) during cold storage

In VIII International Postharvest Symposium: Enhancing Supply Chain and Consumer Benefits - Ethical and Technological Issues 1194


M. Schele, C. Huidobro, L. Monsalve, R. Simpson, L. Fuentes, M. Valdenegro.

A Review of Endothelium-Dependent and -Independent Vasodilation Induced by Phytochemicals in Isolated Rat Aorta

Animals 2019, 9(9), 623


Marcela Knox, Ra煤l Vinet, Lida Fuentes, Bernardo Morales, Jos茅 L. Mart铆nez.

Thermal stability data of juglone from extracts of walnut (Juglans regia) green husk, and technologies used to concentrate juglone

Data in Brief, 25, 104081.


Eduardo Caballero, Carmen Soto y John Jara.

Sensory evaluation and glycaemic index of a food developed with flour from whole (pulp and peel) overripe banana (Musa cavendishii) discards

LWT - Food Science and Technology, 92, 569-575.


Carmen Soto, Jaqueline Concha, Gabriela C谩ceres y Paulina Meneses.

Dataset on quality and physiological changes of raspberry fruit during their development and under auxin in-vitro assay

Data in Brief, 21, 1521-1525.


Liliam Monsalve, An铆bal Ayala, Maricarmen Bernales, M贸nika Valdenegro, Bruno Defilippi, Mauricio Gonz谩lez, Sam Cherian, Lida Fuentes.

Effect of Refractance Window on dehydration of osmotically pretreated apple slices: Color and texture evaluation

Journal of Food Process Engineering, 43(2), e13304


Yossebann Hern谩ndez, Cristian Ram铆rez, Jorge Moreno, Helena N煤帽ez, Oscar Vega, Sergio Almonacid, Marlene Pinto, Lida Fuentes, Ricardo Simpson.

Recent Advances in Hormonal Regulation and Cross-Talk during Non-Climacteric Fruit Development and Ripening

In Horticulturae, 5(2), 45.


Lida Fuentes, Carlos R. Figueroa, M贸nika Valdenegro.

Use of chitosan heterofunctionality for enzyme immobilization: 尾-galactosidase immobilization for galacto-oligosaccharide synthesis

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 116, 182-193.


Paulina Urrutia, Claudia Bernal, Lorena Wilson y Andr茅s Illanes.

Expression of two indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-amido synthetase (GH3) genes during fruit development of raspberry (Rubus idaeus Heritage)

Scientia Horticulturae, 246, 168-175.


Maricarmen Bernales, Liliam Monsalve, An铆bal Ayala, M贸nika Valdenegro, Juan Pablo Mart铆nez, Dante Travisany, Bruno Defilippi, Mauricio Gonz谩lez, Sam Cherian y Lida Fuentes.

Impact of thermal pretreatment on crystallization of Thompson raisins

Food Chemistry, 317, 126381.


Lorena Alvarez, Paulina Urrutia, Araceli Olivares, Agust铆n Flores, Bhesh Bhandari, Tuyen Truong y Sergio Almonacid.

Survival of microencapsulated Lactobacillus casei (prepared by vibration technology) in fruit juice during cold storage

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 42, 42-48


Araceli Olivares, Carmen Soto, Eduardo Caballero, Claudia Altamirano.

Viability dataset on microencapsulated probiotics: Sodium alginate viscosity effect

Data in Brief, 27, 104735


Araceli Olivares, Paulina Silva

RNA-Seq analysis and transcriptome assembly of raspberry fruit (Rubus idaeus 篓Heritage篓) revealed several candidate genes involved in fruit development and ripening

Scientia Horticulturae, 254, 26-34.


Dante Travisany, An铆bal Ayala, Alex Di Genova, Liliam Monsalve, Maricarmen Bernales, Juan Pablo Mart铆nez, Mauricio Gonz谩lez, Bruno Defilippi, Sam Cherian, Alejandro Maass y Lida Fuentes.

Effects of ethrel, 1-MCP and modified atmosphere packaging on the quality of 'Wonderful' pomegranates during cold storage.

Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 98 (13).


M贸nika Valdenegro, Camila Huidobro, Liliam Monsalve, Maricarmen Bernales, Lida Fuentes y Ricardo Simpson.

Field responses of potato to increased temperature during tuber bulking: Projection for climate change scenarios, at high-yield environments of Southern Chile.

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 239, 192-201.


Carolina Lizana, Andrea Avila, Alejandro Tolaba y Juan Pablo Mart铆nez.

Phosphorus deficiency modifies as translocation in the halophyte plant species Atriplex atacamensis.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 139, 344-351.


Delphine Vromman, Juan-Pablo Mart铆nez, y Stanley Lutts.

Different responses in the expression of alginases, alginate polymerase and acetylation genes during alginate production by Azotobacter vinelandii under oxygen-controlled conditions.

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 1-11.


Alvaro D铆az-Barrera, Nataly Maturana, Ivette Pacheco-Leyva, Irene Mart铆nez y Claudia Altamirano.

Quinoa proteins (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) fractionated by ultrafiltration using ceramic membranes: The role of pH on physicochemical and conformational properties.

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 102, 20-30.


Rosa Navarro-Lisboa, Camila Herrera, Rommy N. Z煤帽iga, Javier Enrione, Fanny Guzm谩n, Silvia Matiacevich y Carolina Astudillo-Castro.

Purification of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) by three-stage serial nanofiltration units under critical transmembrane pressure conditions.

Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117, 488-499.


Andr茅s C贸rdova, Carolina Astudillo, Luciana Santiba帽ez, Alfredo Cassano, Ren茅 Ruby-Figueroa, y Andr茅s Illanes.

Effect of drum drying temperature on drying kinetic and polyphenol contents in pomegranate peel.

Journal of Food Engineering, 208, 19-27.


Galaz, P., Monika Valdenegro, Cristian Ram铆rez, Helena Nu帽ez, Sergio Almonacid y Ricardo Simpson.

Genome-scale metabolic reconstruction for the insidious bacterium in aquaculture Piscirickettsia salmonis.

Bioresource technology, 223, 105-114.


Pablo Fuentealba, Camila Aros, Yesenia Latorre, Irene Mart铆nez, Sergio Marshall, Pau Ferrer, Joan Albiol y Claudia Altamirano.

Industrial avocado waste: Functional compounds preservation by convective drying process.

Journal of Food Engineering, 198, 81-90.


Jorge Saavedra, Andr茅s C贸rdova, Rosa Navarro, Paulo D铆az-Calder贸n, Claudia Fuentealba, Carolina Astudillo-Castro, Lea Toledo, Javier Enrione y Lena Galvez.

Understanding the success of Page's model and related empirical equations in fitting experimental data of diffusion phenomena in food matrices.

Trends in Food Science & Technology, 62, 194-201.


Ricardo Simpson, Cristian Ram铆rez, Helena Nu帽ez, Jaques, A. y Sergio Almonacid.

Inverse method for the simultaneous estimation of the thermophysical properties of foods at freezing temperatures.

Journal of Food Engineering, 191, 37-47.


Iv谩n Cornejo, Cornejo, G., Cristian Ram铆rez, Sergio Almonacid y Ricardo Simpson.

Technical feasibility of glucose oxidase as a prefermentation treatment for lowering the alcoholic degree of red wine.

American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 68(3), 386-389.


Pedro Valencia, Karen Espinoza, Cristian Ramirez, Wendy Franco y Alejandra Urtubia.

Production of combi-CLEAs of glycosidases utilized for aroma enhancement in wine.

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 94, 555-560.


Katherine Ahumada, Paulina Urrutia, Andr茅s Illanes y Lorena Wilson.

Inhibition of enteropathogens adhesion to human enterocyte-like HT-29 cells by a dairy strain of Propionibacterium acidipropionici.

Beneficial microbes, 7(3), 431-441.


Z谩rate, G., Palacios, J. M., Villena, J. y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga-Hansen.

Industrial avocado waste: Functional compounds preservation by convective drying process.

Journal of Food Engineering, 198, 81-90.


Jorge Saavedra, Andr茅s C贸rdova, Rosa Navarro, Paulo D铆az-Calder贸n, Claudia Fuentealba, Carolina Astudillo-Castro, Lea Toledo, Javier Enrione y Lena Galvez.

Arsenic distribution in shoots of the halophyte plant species Atriplex atacamensis growing in an extreme arid mining area from northern Chile.

Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation, 7(349), 2.


Delphine Vromman, B茅reng猫re Paternostre, Margarita Brice帽o, Carolina Teixeira-Cardoso, Alejandra Flores-Bavestrello, Nicolas Vanhecke, Mahendra Kumar, Juan-Pablo Mart铆nez y Stanley Lutts.

The effects of drying processes on organoleptic characteristics and the health quality of food ingredients obtained from goldenberry fruits (Physalis peruviana).

Open Access Scientific Reports, 2(2), 1-7.


Valdenegro, M., Almonacid, S., Henr铆quez, C., Lutz, M., Fuentes, L., & Simpson, R. (2013).

Effect on rat blood pressure of epitaondiol, diterpenoid isolated from the algae stypopodium flabelliforme of rapanui (chilean island territory in the pacific ocean). Investigadores:

Martinez, J. L., Vinet, R., Laurido, C., Jaimes, L., Vargas-Rueda, S., Rovirosa, J. y聽 San-Martin, A.

Inhibition of ethylene synthesis reduces salt-tolerance in tomato wild relative species Solanum chilense.

Journal of plant physiology, 210, 24-37.


Emna Gharbiac, Juan-Pablo Mart铆nez, Hela Benahmed, Gilles Lepoint, Brigitte Vanpee, Muriel Quinet y Stanley Lutts.

Potential use of avocado oil on structured lipids MLM-type production catalysed by commercial immobilised lipases.

PloS one, 9(9), e107749.


Eduardo Caballero, Carmen Soto, Araceli Olivares, Claudia Altamirano.

Effect on rat blood pressure of epitaondiol, diterpenoid isolated from the algae stypopodium flabelliforme of rapanui (chilean island territory in the pacific ocean). Investigadores:

Martinez, J. L., Vinet, R., Laurido, C., Jaimes, L., Vargas-Rueda, S., Rovirosa, J. y聽 San-Martin, A.

Quinoa proteins (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) fractionated by ultrafiltration using ceramic membranes: The role of pH on physicochemical and conformational properties.

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 102, 20-30.


Rosa Navarro-Lisboa, Camila Herrera, Rommy N. Z煤帽iga, Javier Enrione, Fanny Guzm谩n, Silvia Matiacevich y Carolina Astudillo-Castro.

Inhibition of enteropathogens adhesion to human enterocyte-like HT-29 cells by a dairy strain of Propionibacterium acidipropionici.

Beneficial microbes, 7(3), 431-441.


Z谩rate, G., Palacios, J. M., Villena, J. y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga-Hansen.

Production of pectic extracts from sugar beet pulp with antiproliferative activity on a breast cancer cell line.

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 7(4), 482-489.


Jacqueline Concha, Caroline Weinstein y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga.

Purification of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) by three-stage serial nanofiltration units under critical transmembrane pressure conditions.

Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117, 488-499.


Andr茅s C贸rdova, Carolina Astudillo, Luciana Santiba帽ez, Alfredo Cassano, Ren茅 Ruby-Figueroa y Andr茅s Illanes.

Genome-scale metabolic reconstruction for the insidious bacterium in aquaculture Piscirickettsia salmonis.

Bioresource technology, 223, 105-114.


Pablo Fuentealba, Camila Aros, Yesenia Latorre, Irene Mart铆nez, Sergio Marshall, Pau Ferrer, Joan Albiol y Claudia Altamirano.

Methanisation of spent maqui berry pomace via enzymatic treatment.

Renewable Energy, 87, 326-331.


Investigadores: Alejandra Cerda, Mar铆a Eugenia Mart铆nez, Carmen Soto, Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga y Paola Poirrier.

A new mechanism and kinetic model for the enzymatic synthesis of short-chain fructooligosaccharides from sucrose.

Biochemical Engineering Journal, 82, 158-165.


Roberto Vega y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga-Hansen.

The enhancement of antioxidant compounds extracted from Thymus vulgaris using enzymes and the effect of extracting solvent.

Food chemistry, 139(1), 138-143.


Alejandra Cerda, Mar铆a Eugenia Mart铆nez, Carmen Soto, Paola Poirrier, Jos茅 R. Perez-Correa, Jos茅 R. Vergara-Salinas y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga.

Effect of extraction conditions on total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of pretreated wild Peumus boldus leaves from Chile.

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 92(3), 328-333.


Carmen Soto, Eduardo Caballero, Eduardo P茅rez y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga.

Identification of the key mechanisms involved in the hydrolysis of fish protein by Alcalase.

Process Biochemistry, 49(2), 258-264.


Pedro Valencia, Marlene Pinto y Sergio Almonacid.

Influence of ohmic heating/osmotic dehydration treatments on polyphenoloxidase inactivation, physical properties and microbial stability of apples (cv. Granny Smith).

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 20, 198-207.


Moreno, J., Simpson, R., Pizarro, N., Pavez, C., Dorvil, F., Petzold, G. y Bugue帽o, G.

Production of alginate by Azotobacter vinelandii grown at two bioreactor scales under oxygen-limited conditions.

Bioprocess and biosystems engineering, 37(6), 1133-1140.


Alvaro D铆az-Barrera, Javiera Gutierrez, Fabiola Mart铆nez, Claudia Altamirano.

Advances in improving mammalian cells metabolism for recombinant protein production.

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 16(3), 10-10.


Claudia Altamirano, Julio Berrios, Mauricio Vergara y Silvana Becerra.

Improving Amphetamine Therapeutic Selectivity: N, N鈥恉imethyl鈥怣TA has Dopaminergic Effects and does not Produce Aortic Contraction.

Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology, 114(5), 395-399.


Ram贸n Sotomayor-Z谩rate, Pablo Jara, Patricio Araos, Ra煤l Vinet, Gabriel Quiroz, Georgina M. Renard, Pedro Espinosa, Claudio Hurtado-Guzm谩n, Pablo R. Moya, Patricio Iturriaga-V谩squez, Katia Gysling y Miguel Reyes-Parada.

Differential effect of culture temperature and specific growth rate on CHO cell behavior in chemostat culture.

PloS one, 9(4), e93865.


Mauricio Vergara, Silvana Becerra, Julio Berrios, Nelson Osses, Juan Reyes, Mar铆a Rodr铆guez-Moy谩, Ram贸n Gonz谩lez y Claudia Altamirano.

Effects of spray drying conditions and the addition of surfactants on the foaming properties of a whey protein concentrate.

LWT-Food Science and Technology, 58(1), 109-115.


Osorio, J., Monjes, J., Pinto, M., Ram铆rez, C., Simpson, R. y Vega, O.

Ohmic heating behaviour and electrical conductivity of two-phase food systems.

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 4(1), 45-55.


Zareifard, M. R., Ramaswamy, H. S., Trigui, M. y Marcotte, M.

The effect of processing conditions on the stability of fructooligosaccharides in acidic food products.

Food chemistry, 173, 784-789.


Roberto Vega y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga-Hansen

Characterization of pressurized hot water extracts of grape pomace: chemical and biological antioxidant activity.

Food chemistry, 171, 62-69.


J.R. Vergara-Salinas, Mauricio Vergara, Claudia Altamirano, 脕lvaro Gonz谩lez y J.R. P茅rez-Correa

P-Coumaric acid reduces high glucose-mediated impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxation in rat aorta.

Bolet铆n Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Arom谩ticas, 13(3).


Ra煤l Vinet, Patricio Araos, Juan Carlos Gentina, Marcela Knox y Leda Guzm谩n

Bradykinin and histamine鈥恑nduced cytosolic calcium increase in capillary endothelial cells of bovine adrenal medulla.

Cell biology international, 38(9), 1023-1031.


Ra煤l Vinet, Magdalena P. Cort茅s, Roc铆o 脕lvarez y Marco Delpiano

Shellfish (Mussel) processing and components.

In Processing and impact on active components in food (pp. 447-454).


Sergio Almonacid, Joselyn Bustamante, Ricardo Simpson y Marlene Pinto

Effect of extraction conditions on total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of pretreated wild Peumus boldus leaves from Chile.

Food and Bioproducts Processing, 92(3), 328-333.


Carmen Soto, Eduardo Caballero, Eduardo P茅rez y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga

Potential use of avocado oil on structured lipids MLM-type production catalysed by commercial immobilised lipases.

PloS one, 9(9), e107749.


Eduardo Caballero, Carmen Soto, Araceli Olivares y Claudia Altamirano

Differential expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes in drupelets and receptacle of raspberry (Rubus idaeus).

Journal of plant physiology, 179, 100-105.


Lida Fuentes, Liliam Monsalve, Luis Morales-Quintana, M贸nika Valdenegro, Juan-Pablo Mart铆nez, Bruno G. Defilippi y Mauricio Gonz谩lez-Ag眉ero

Study of effect of sodium alginate on potato starch digestibility during in vitro digestion.

Food Hydrocolloids, 44, 328-332.


Cristian Ram铆rez, Camila Millon, Helena Nu帽ez, Marlene Pinto, Pedro Valencia, Cristian Acevedo y Ricardo Simpson

Novel modeling methodology for the characterization of enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins.

Process Biochemistry, 50(4), 589-597.


Pedro Valencia, Karen Espinoza, Andr茅s Ceballos, Marlene Pinto y Sergio Almonacid

Effect of soil available water depletion on plant water status, fruit size and yield of avocado trees cv.'HASS'.

In VII International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops 1038 (pp. 393-400).


Investigadores: Ferreyra, R., Selles, G., Gil, P., Celedon, J. y Maldonado, P.

Characterization of pressurized hot water extracts of grape pomace: chemical and biological antioxidant activity.

Food chemistry, 171, 62-69.


J.R. Vergara-Salinas, Mauricio Vergara, Claudia Altamirano, 脕lvaro Gonz谩lez y J.R. P茅rez-Correa.

Assessment of antiproliferative activity of pectic substances obtained by different extraction methods from rapeseed cake on cancer cell lines.

Carbohydrate polymers, 117, 923-932.


M. Cobs-Rosas, J. Concha-Olmos, C. Weinstein-Oppenheimer y Mar铆a Elvira Z煤帽iga-Hansen

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